Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Livin la Vida Mommy!!

This month has truly been all about Momminess!!! - I know that is not a word but it is in Erin world..

Tis the season for the 100+ weather, Sam and I have been staying inside.. And this includes 2 weeks of swimming lessons. I know that this sounds fun, and don't get me wrong it's a blast. However I wish they would have some how stretched this out just a little.
The classes are 9 days Monday - Friday at 9:45 - 10:15 At the beginning I had a hard time getting out the door. I got yelled at the first day when I got in the pool 10 minutes before the rest of the class. Evidently we were suppose to meet at the bleachers, something the receptionist failed to tell me.. so I got a stern look and verbal notice that  if I wanted to do any additional swimming I would have to pay!!

Sam wants to take his naps at 9:30, so every morning I get to take the child with no nap to the pool. He really LOVES the water so he's usually really happy once he sees the pool.
Phil got a chance to go last Friday..

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Sam sits up...

This is Sam sitting up on his very own..

And falling over...

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sam's Modeling Debut

"giggly sam"

These are several of the photos of Sam at 5 months that I have sent in for modeling agencies. Phil has been suggesting that we get an agent for Sam since he was born!! I finally got one after we sat for a family portrait in June. 

"sinister evil planning Sam"

"What are these"  (outtake)

"How many can I get in my mouth" (out take)

Sam's New hairdo!

We  decided to have some fun with Sam's hair!!!

HAHA!! I love his bright blue eyes! He's my super baby.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Dad's trip (7/08-07/12/ 2010)

We had a great time this week..
Friday - We visited some of DC, Pax river Navy Base, Naval Air Muesem, Lunch w/ Phil
We had an awesome evening at North Beach Farmers Market and Car Show. 

Dad enjoyed putting Sam on all the planes intakes..

Saturday we worked in the yard.. in the rain.. (picture to be added)
We also tried to go to Sharkfest at Calvert Marine Muesem, but the rest of the county was also there so we decided to NOT wait the 2 hours to go..

Ended up "exploring" Solomon Island eating establishments for a nice place to eat.. FAIL.. We are still looking.
Places we had explored:
Naughty Gull - it claims they are the "best kept secret"- we'll keep them a secret..
Ruddy Duck- They had a great brewery.. and Crab dip
Tiki Bar - had no parking so we passed them by still would like to go.
Ended with Dinner at Jerry's.. They have the best crab cakes. $$$ but pricey!!

 We hung out around the house.. until 5:00. We met with the Ashtons at the National Harbor, had dinner at McCormick & Schmicks and strolled on the boardwalk/ pier. On Sunday evenings they show free movies on the water.. I believe that this is funded by the parking garages as it costs $11/ per 3 hours. We caught the first part of "Goonies".

Monday- We went to Annapolis drove down to the city docks. Shopped for some NAVY attire. Got a super cool NAVY onesie for "Sammie D". We enjoyed the harbor view as we sat and had lunch at Pussers. It was a beautiful day!!